
Home Schooled


Tuesday was our first "official" day of home schooling (for Alyssa right now). It was a very busy day due to some things that I had scheduled awhile back, when I was unsure of whether or not we would actually be schooling at home.  I went into it excited, hopeful and ready to conquer the WORLD! Bwa-hahahahaha! *menacingly rubbing hands together*

Then (head hung low) left with my tail between my legs.

Seriously! I felt like I had ruined my child on the very FIRST day! There were so many things that I wanted to plan and do differently, but I am still trying to get the curriculum together. I also was only able to get some Language Arts, Science and Reading. No Math or History! *gasp* (We did get to those subjects the next day-just so you know.)

Of course it wasn't until all was quiet that I felt like I was beaten-kids in bed, house straightened and my head on the pillow. Then the fear of failure set in. I hate the darkness that enters the mind when it is literally all dark around you, but before I drag you down to the depths of despair with me, let me bring back some light &  happiness...the next day was a new day. I felt motivated again. Things were a bit smoother and I felt a little more on top of things. That night I slept really well knowing that tomorrow is always a new day.

Today was busy again trying to get grocery shopping, homeschooling, and cleaning done. I am tired, but I know that getting into a new routine is tiring. I go through this every summer break and every beginning of a new school year. Not to mention when I have had a new baby or when I finished a 2 year Interior Design Program in a year and my husband finished his EMBA in 18 months. We are still trying to get into an evening routine together! :) Somehow we all survived and have come out better because of it (at least that is my glass-half-full mentality trying to come out) and I know that through this new journey we will survive and I HOPE we come out better because of it. :)

So, far my daughter really likes it. She said to me last night (our 2nd night of homeschool), "Mom, I LOVE homeschooling cause you don't tell me what I need to do. I get to figure some things out for myself."

Stay Tuned...to read a post as to WHY I chose to homeschool! :)


Lisha said...

Excited to hear more!

Quincy Sorensen said...

I had not idea, and now I am really curious. Transitions are always hard. Things will get better/easier.

Sara said...

So glad Alyssa is loving it. That makes it so much easier for you! You'll find your groove soon!

Sarah (and a few others) said...

You can do it!!

And Alyssa is the BEST!

Dawn, said...

I sure love homeschooling... but there are THOSE days... I tend to evaluate our progress WEEKLY. Because if I analyzed progress daily, especially if it was one of those days... I may get too discouraged, grin. And might I add... do you remember adding fractions in 3rd grade? That is what Ty is doing this week in math, he is NOT pleased. I thought we had a few more years until fractions, whimper.

kellibattraw said...

I'm intrigued... we're pretty sure we're going to home school. I'm looking forward to reading why you chose to.

Sarah Menini said...

I usually don't mention I'm homeschooling unless it comes up. I am homeschooling Emma, 1st grade, and Olivia, preschool. We did Kindergarten for Emma and she is already a grade level up from public school (mostly due to her birthday and that I started early cuz she seemed ready). I had no idea you were thinking about it. I'd love to chat. Rules are different here in Texas but maybe we could swap curriculum info. I have an awesome math program. I love it and its sorta cheap.
Sarah (Souder) Menini

Natalie said...

I did not know this. You will get in a routine and things will be better soon. You are a wonderful mom.

Amy said...

Wow, I admire that. I'm glad she likes it so far.

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